Tuesday, December 11, 2012

All The Little Sheep

“If the whole heard jumps off the cliff, will you? Don’t be a sheep.”

My stepdad means the world to me, and he is one of my biggest heroes. In my eyes he is not just my step dad. He has done more for me in just the eight years I’ve known him than any other man ever could if I know them the rest of my life. In my eyes he is my one and only dad, but most people see him as the spawn of satin. He is very temperamental and easily angered and cannot stand stupid people. The only problem is he thinks everyone is stupid, but he would do anything for those he loves. The one good thing he has told me my whole life is to stray from the pack. Just because everyone wears the clothes from a certain store, doesn’t mean I have to or want to. I am my own person, and so are you. Whether you are from the USA or Europe or Asia, there is no one anywhere in the world just like you. Genetically, even identical twins are different. My point is there is no one in the world just like you. It can be a good thing, or it can be a bad thing, but either way, you are you and no one can change that. Don’t follow all the other people. Instead, do your own thing. It turns out so much better.

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