Monday, December 10, 2012

Just Let Go...

‘“But is it okay to hate Hitler?’ ‘It is not,’ he said. ‘It’s not okay to hate anybody.”’

Scout is only eight years old, but she is very intelligent. The first time she hears about what Hitler does, is when a boy in her class brings in an article about him for a current events project. As soon as she hears what the man has done, she is immediately appalled and thinks he is a terrible person. That day she goes home and asks Atticus about him and asks if it is okay to hate him, and he of course says no. Atticus knows it is not okay to ever hate anyone. In the world today, hate is a huge problem. Although most times it is extremely over used, hate is very real and all over the place. Does it have to be though? I, like most people, have experienced true hatred. It literally eats you alive. It’s like you have this huge ball of hatred in the pit of your stomach. If you let that hate go, you can forgive. You don’t have to forget, but it is better not to hate. I don’t mean to sound like Gandhi or Buddha, but if our generation works together, we can work towards love instead of hate, or at least tolerance. We can work towards peace instead of war. Trust me and let go of the hate. Maybe your whole attitude will change.

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