Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Be A Fruit-Loop

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." ~John F. Kennedy


Conformity is the behavior or thought that is socially acceptable or expected. President John F. Kennedy knew this. He was the 35th President of the United States and the man that led our country to the moon and worked towards true equal rights and as a Harvard graduate he was quite intelligent. What he means by this quote is that life isn’t always about fitting in. He literally means that conformity is the only thing stopping success. If everyone fits in, then no one stands out and no one’s voice is heard. If you want an idea to come to life, you have to make it stand out. No one is going to listen to an idea they’ve heard a thousand times. Instead of standing in a crowd, stand out. Instead of sitting in the background, be center stage. Be the fruit-loop in a world full of cheerios. When you stand out, not only do people notice you, but you can do things your own way. You don’t have to follow rules or expectations. You can advance much further. Albert Einstein didn’t care about looking weird or not and he helped create the atom bomb, for better or worse. If we stop worrying about fitting in, we can worry more about moving forward and working towards a better future for the next generation. Who knows, an outcast can create the next means of renewable energy.

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