Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mega Mom

“When you come to a fork in the road, make your own path” ~My Mother

Angela Morris is my number one hero. She is stronger than any man on the face of this earth. She was a sailor in the navy, a truck driver, and now she works with veterans all day long. My mother is much younger than most of my friends' parents, but wise beyond her years. She has gone through more at her age than most go through in a lifetime, and she is the one that has helped get me through all my normal everyday issues and extra medical issues. At 17 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After radiation, she was pronounced cancer free. At 26 it came back in other parts of her body. She went into therapy, but there were complications. At 29, it spread further and my mom was diagnosed with cancer a third time. They told her she had two choices: get her will ready, or let the state handle it. She was not happy with that answer though. She made a third choice. I always asked her what she did to get through all the madness. She told me that cancer didn’t make her path, she did. Every time you don’t like the options, make your own. Life doesn’t choose where you go. You are in charge of your life! Don't let anyone tell you any different.

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