Monday, December 10, 2012

Open Invitation

“He told me havin’ a gun around’s an invitation to somebody to shoot you."

In this part of the book, Jem is talking to his sister, Scout, saying that Atticus could never have a gun on him because, even though he knows he could get into trouble, Jem’s father would never carry a gun. This quote in a nut shell means if you pull a gun out, expect to get shot. If you don’t want to get shot, don’t pull out a gun. In real life though, this applies to much more. This quote kind of makes me think of the golden rule actually. I think don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. I think this is most important lessons that Atticus tries to teach his children in the book, and one of the lessons the town of Maycomb needs to learn. I guess we can’t really say much because our town is not much better. I went to the Christmas parade this weekend, and it was horrible. Some guy spilled beer all over another guy and yelled at him for spilling a beer! Then there was this little girl that was maybe three trying to catch beads and this mini-skirt, tight-shirt wearing, rude woman (maybe 21) stood in front of her and caught all the beads. Atticus taught his kids to be considerate and treat people how they want to be treated. I don’t see why our generation can’t make the whole world be like that. Come on guys, we’re better than this.

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