Monday, December 10, 2012

Home Page

“Don’t ask why; ask why not!”

I guess I did this kind of backwards, but hi. My name is Rachel Howlett and I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird in my tenth grade English class. This is kind of supposed to be my home page blog but I didn’t really realize that until now. For our final project, we are creating a “Words of Wisdom” blog full of awesome quotes and stuff like that. I am not exactly a writer, so my blogs will most likely sound very amateur. I am a very odd and off the wall person, but I am the froot-loop in a world full of cheerios and proud of it. This brings me to the quote that I live my life by. My English teacher is teaching us to ask why, but I don't agree. I believe you should ask why not. If you look at a project, you should think why should I make this awesome? You should ask why shouldn’t I make this amazing. If you’re as hardheaded as me, you can have a million reasons for doing something and it mean nothing. If you come up blank when you ask why not, that is when you know you should.

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