Tuesday, December 11, 2012


"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~Abraham Lincoln

You only live once. I hate the quote but it has some truth in it. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He is a great American war hero that millions of children look up to, and for a good reason.  He ended the civil war and united the confederate and union and created the emancipation proclamation. His quote basically says that it’s not how long you live that counts, but what you do while you’re alive. You can live a life one hundred years long, but steal and lie and cheat. That life is not worth half the life of an honest, giving man who only lives twenty. The phrase “you only live once” half catches this concept. Many people interpret it as they can do whatever stupid things they want. A better way to look it is almost the same view President Lincoln had. You only live one life, so don’t waste it. Get out into the world and do something worth doing. Make your life truly valuable in ways other than money or greed. Help whoever you can help. Live your life to its fullest, but don’t live it for yourself. Live your life to help others. That is how you live a life that matters. That is how you live life to its fullest.

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